Angela Ahola

Mikä ratkaisee haluavatko muut tehdä yhteistyötä kanssasi, palkata sinut tai ostaa sinulta? Mikä ohjaa päätöksiämme ja antaa meille vaikutusvaltaa vaikuttaa toisiin? Angela on psykologian tohtori ja erikoistunut sosiaalipsykologiaan; Mikä on ensimmäisen vaikutelman takana ja miksi pidämme tietyistä henkilöistä ja luotamme heihin. Mikä saa meidät tuntemaan itsemme turvallisiksi organisaatiossa ja miksi valitsemme juuri tietyn emmekä toista tuotetta?

Martin Saarikangas

Eräs Suomen karismaattisimmista johtajista. Hänen kunnioitusta herättävästä ansioluettelostaan harva pystyy ottamaan mittaa. Mittavan taustansa ansiosta niin elinkeinoelämässä kuin akateemisessa maailmassa sekä urheilullisen taustansa kautta Martinilla on antaa jotakin useimmalle kuulijalle. Oltuaan 43 vuotta telakkateollisuudessa hän astui politiikkaan ja istuu nyt Suomen eduskunnassa.

Kohtaa Mark Levengood

Mark puhuu mielellään tarkoituksella inspiroida yhteistyökumppaneita henkilökohtaisten- tai organisaatiomuutosten aikoina. Koska huumori on erinomainen pedagoginen työkalu, Markin luennot koetaan aika hauskoina.

Kohtaa Manuel Knight

Manuel Knight on yksi halutuimmista seminaaripuhujista maailmassa. Hän on jo 15 vuoden ajan puhunut menestyksekkäästi tehokkaamman tiimityön, johtamisen ja organisaation rakentamisesta. Knightin luento käsittelee organisaatiokulttuurin kehittämistä. Tavoitteena on motivoida jokainen yksilö huippusuoritukseen – näin syntyy yrityskulttuuri, jonka ytimessä on halu ja energia.

Täytämme aukon

Tapahtuman järjestäjänä haluat luoda onnistuneen tilaisuuden, joka saa mahdollisimman monet saapumaan paikalle. Toivot, että vieraasi lähtevät tapahtumastasi täynnä energiaa, valmiina levittämään positiivista viestiä Sinusta ja yhteisöstäsi. Event Managers auttaa tekemään tilaisuudestasi menestyksen.

Elizabeth Kuylenstierna

Perfektionismi, epäonnistumisen pelko ja kontrollintarve ovat haitallisia ihmisen terveydelle. Ne ovat myös esteitä parhaalle mahdolliselle suorituskyvylle. Elizabeth Kuylenstierna (ent. Gummesson) tarjoaa kuulijoilleen uuden lähestymistavan tekemiseen. Sisäisen turvallisuuden ja henkisen voiman avulla pystymme suorituksiin, joista emme aikaisemmin uskaltaneet edes unelmoida.

Kohtaa Erik Fernholm

Erik Fernholm valittiin Vuoden luennoitsijaksi Ruotsissa vuonna 2011, ja on yksi maan työllistetyimmistä esiintyjistä. Taustaltaan hän on tutkija – erikoisalueinaan kognitiivinen neurotiede, positiivinen psykologia ja näyttöön perustuva valmennus. Fernholm on suosittu ja arvostettu luennoitsija, jonka aiheet ulottuvat psykologian ja hyvinvoinnin kautta johtajuuteen ja suorituskykyyn.

Kohtaa Olof Röhlander

Olof Röhlander on lisensioitu henkinen valmentaja, taustaltaan pöytätenniksen huippupelaaja. Hänen kokemuksensa kattaa henkisenä valmentajana toimimisen Ruotsin pöytätennis-maajoukkueessa sekä Örgryte IS -jalkkapallojoukkueessa. Tämän lisäksi hän esiintyy puhujana vuosittain yli 200:ssa yritystilaisuudessa ja konferenssissa.

Alexandra Pascalidou

Alexandra on eniten tunnettu ohjelmanvetäjänä useassa eri televisio-ohjelmassa. Mutta hän työskentelee myös luennoitsijana ja kuuluttajana. Alexandralla on luontainen kiinnostus Kreikkaa kohtaan ja hänellä on hyvä näkymä maan tämänhetkiseen taloudelliseen tilanteeseen. Lisäksi hän palavasti pyrkii innostamaan maahanmuuttajanaisia yrittämiseen.

Anne Kukkohovi

Anne Kukkohovi tunnetaan parhaiten Suomen Huippumalli haussa -TV-ohjelmasta, ja viimeksi hän on juontanut TV:ssä Koko Suomi leipoo -ohjelmaa. Edustavan ulkonäkönsä ja valloittavan luonteensa ansiosta Anne on luotettava juontaja ja varma valinta erilaisiin tehtäviin suuren yleisön edessä

Rasmus Ankersen

Rasmus Ankersen is a bestselling author, an entrepreneur, a speaker on performance development and a trusted advisor to businesses and athletes around the world. As an author and expert on talent and performance development, Rasmus has been featured on Sky News Business, CBC, The Morning Show and Fox Sports.

Satu Tuomisto

Satu on suomalainen malli ja juontaja. Hänet valittiin miss Suomeksi vuonna 2008. Satu on juontanut useita TV-ohjelmia ja itse osallistunut muun muassa TV-ohjelmaan "Tanssii tähtien kanssa" ja voitti lopulta kilpailun. Hänellä on vahva kokemus erilaisista edustustehtävistä ja juontamisesta.

Event Managers Finland

Kun haluat järjestää esimerkiksi seminaarin, luennon, TYKY- tai koulutuspäivän, Event Managers Finland on palveluksessasi. Ota meihin yhteyttä, niin kartoitamme juuri sinun tarpeisiisi parhaiten soveltuvat puhujat ja juontajat.

Kohtaa Mia Törnblom

Hän on eräs Ruotsin suosituimmista luennoitsijoista ja hän voitti vuonna 2011 Norjassa palkinnon vuoden puhujana. Mia luennoi mm aiheista Henkilökohtainen johtamistapa, Henkinen valmennus, Motivaatio,Vaikeat keskustelut, Konfliktinkäsittely ja Itsetunto – itseluottamus.

Kohtaa Elaine Eksvärd

Taitavia johtajia luonnehtii kyky inspiroida ja innostaa muita. Monet väittävät, ettei sitä voi oppia, mutta Elaine Eksvärd on toista mieltä! Toimiva puhe on työkalu monien johtajuuden haasteiden selättämiseen. Innostavaa johtajuutta -koulutuksessa Elaine Eksvärd opettaa sinulle tekniikat, joilla saat ihmiset kuuntelemaan sanojasi, muistamaan mitä olet sanonut ja haluamaan kuulla lisää.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy and your information

How we collect, process and protect your personal data


In order to give you the best possible service and user experience in our digital channels, we may need to collect and process certain personal data about you. However, we respect and value your privacy and we are committed to protecting it. This privacy policy contains information about what personal data we collectthe key principles of processing the data and what rights you have related to your personal data.

Event Managers Finland Oy processes your personal data in compliance with this privacy policy and applicable laws, so we ask you to read this policy carefully. We may update this privacy policy from time to time as needed based on the development of our business operations or changes in applicable laws. The updated privacy policy can be found on our website, so we ask you to visit this page every now and then.

By using our services, website, or contacting us you are accepting that we may process your personal data according to this privacy policy. If you do not accept these terms, it is likely that we can provide only limited services to you.

Our key principles

  1. We use your personal data only for the purposes we have defined.
  2. We make sure that we communicate to you what personal data we collect, for which purpose and how we use it.
  3. If your permission is required, we will ask for it, and make sure that you can at any time withdraw the permission.
  4. Your data is transferred to third parties only for the original purposes we have defined, in legally compliant ways and with adequate safeguards.
  5. We protect your data as well as we can.
  6. We make sure you can use your rights regarding your personal data, such as the right to access and correct the data.

For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data?

We collect, store and use data about only for predefined purposes. The main purposes for processing personal data are:

  • marketing purposes, including marketing analytics, marketing research and direct marketing in compliance with applicable laws;
  • developing our website and its content;
  • fulfilling our contractual obligations;
  • fulfilling legal obligations and responding to legal claims;
  • customer communications and responding to contact requests;
  • customer relationship management;
  • supplier & partner relationship management;
  • provision of our web-based or other online services;
  • running and developing our business, to the extent not overridden by your fundamental rights and freedom; and
  • targeting and offering our products and services to you.

What data do we collect about you and from which sources?

We collect personal data about you mainly from yourself when you contact us or use our services. In addition to this, we may collect personal data about you from other sources or registries you have used, such as third-party websites as well as advertising and social media channels. We also collect personal data about our website visitors with website analytics tools (such as Google Analytics), so that we can analyze our website use, develop it further and to target relevant advertising and marketing content for our customers and website visitors.

Typically, we may obtain the following personal data directly from you:

  • your work-related contact details and interests in our services, as well as data related to your purchase and use history.

Examples of data from other sources:

  • References from other people or colleagues, LinkedIn public profile information, website use data and social media activity relating to our social media channels.

What is the basis for processing your data?

We make sure that we always have a legal basis to use your personal data. Firstly, we may use your data to fulfill and execute a contract and to meet legal obligations. Secondly, we may use your data also to further our legitimate interests, which are the offering of our services and operating and developing our business, but only to the extent they are not overridden by interests for your fundamental rights and freedoms, especially in relation to privacy. Some personal data we may use based on your consent.

Who uses the data and is it transferred to anyone else?

Primarily your personal data is used by people in relevant functions within our own organization.

We may also outsource some parts of the data processing to third parties, such as the data systems used to store and process personal data as well as some marketing functions. In these situations, we make sure with contracts and otherwise that the confidentiality of your personal data is secured and data is otherwise used lawfully. We may also disclose information to fulfill our other contractual or legal obligations or when a legal authority requires a disclosure. We may also disclose your personal data if we are a part of a business sale, such as a merger or an acquisition.

Is your data transferred outside the European Union (EU)? 

By default, EU citizens’ data is not transferred outside the EU. However, in some situations the transfer of personal data outside the EU is possible. For instance, possible transfers could concern such situations, where some of the servers where your personal data is stored are located outside of the EU. Secondly, some other service provider, such as a marketing services company, could also locate outside the EU with access to your personal data. If any of these situations would happen, we make sure that your data is transferred and processed in a legal manner with adequate safeguards, including contractual clauses and other documentation. If you are a non-EU citizen and you provide your personal data and make requests through our website, we typically disclose your request to a local business partner who handles your request.

How long is your personal data stored?

We will not store your personal data for a longer period than is necessary for its purpose or required by contract or law. The storage times for personal data may vary based on its purpose and the situation. We also intend to keep your data up to date. When the personal data is no longer needed for its purpose or is obsolete, we aim to delete it from our records.

How is your personal data stored and kept secure?

Your data is stored on the servers provided by our service providers, which are secured according to general industry standards and practices. We consider and keep your personal data confidential and do not disclose them to anyone else at Event Managers Finland Oy than those who need it for their work or confidentially to our specific partners based on contracts we have made with them. Access to your personal data has been protected with user-specific logins, passwords and user rights.

Is it mandatory to provide personal data? What happens if you don’t give it to us?

By default, it is not mandatory to provide us personal data. For instance, you can use our website without providing your personal data. However, in some instances, if you don’t provide us some of your personal data or allow processing of it, it may limit the services that we are able to provide you. For example, the use of our web-based services may require registration, creating, and maintaining a personal user-specific account.

Does the website use cookies and what are they?

We use cookies on our website to provide the best possible user experience for our website visitors. Cookies are small text files that are placed on a web user’s computer and are designed to hold a modest amount of data particular to a user and a website. Cookies give us information about how users use our website. We may use cookies to develop our website and services, analyze website use as well as target and optimize marketing efforts. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may set your web browser to disable them. Please note that most browsers accept cookies automatically. If you disable cookies, you should understand that certain services at our website may not function correctly.

What rights do you have relating to your personal data?

Withdraw your consent

If we process personal data based on your consent, you can at any time withdraw your consent by notifying us, for instance by sending an email to info (at)

Access to data

You have the right to get a confirmation if we are processing your personal data and to know what data we have about you. In addition, you have the right to some supplemental information described in the law about the processing activities.

Right to have errors corrected

You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate or outdated personal data we have about you.

Right to prohibit direct marketing

You have the right to request that your personal data is not processed for direct marketing purposes by sending an email to info (at)

Right to object processing

If we process your personal data based on public interest or our legitimate interest, you have the right to object the processing of your data, to the extent that there is no such significant reason that would override your rights or the processing is not necessary for handling legal claims. Please note that in this situation we may not be able to serve you anymore.

Right to restrict processing

In certain situations, you have the right to require that we restrict the processing of your personal data.

Right to data portability

If we process your personal data based on your consent or the fulfilling of a contract, you have the right to require the transfer of data you have provided to us to another service provider in a commonly used electronic format.

How can you use your rights?

You can execute and use your rights by contacting us, for instance by sending an email to info (at) In such cases, we ask you to provide us your name, contact details, phone number as well as a copy of valid personal ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, so we can verify your identity. If you consider that the processing of your personal data is not lawful, you can always also make a notification to a supervisory authority.

Can this privacy policy be updated?

We may make updates to this privacy policy when our operations change or develop. Also, changes in law may make it necessary to update this privacy policy. The changes become valid once we have published them in the form of an updated privacy policy. Please visit this page and read this privacy policy from time to time.

Who can you contact in privacy matters?

The registrant of this personal data register is Event Managers Finland Oy.

You can contact Event Managers Finland Oy (business identity code: 2475633-9-, address: Puutarhankatu 26, 20100 Turku, FINLAND) by sending an email to info (at) or by calling to +358 44 201 072.


Last updated: 9 May 2018

Event Managers Finland Ab 2013